Now selling
Original Louisiana Boudin
Ask John (346) 843-2904
Experience Amani
We personally only select and purchase from the top organic CBD producers in the country. They select only top-grade hemp plants. Some producers grow on their own sustainable small farms right here in the country.
Located in Rosenberg, Texas, we are here to provide organic CBD products that fit your needs. Because we pride ourselves in offering a wide array of products to help you improve and maintain a healthy lifestyle' we have enlisted the consultative services of health care practitioners.
We sell top quality CBD (cannabidiol) Oils, Capsules, Topicals, Bath Bombs, Balms, and Gummie products from organic sources made with the highest quality ingredients. Continue to explore our site to learn more about what we do here at Amani and experience positive change.
Now Open
Now providing Fort Bend County with wonderful customer service
Located next to Mr. Jones Bail Bonds
1100 Mulcahy St, Rosenberg, Tx 77471
Ask for John
Mon - Fri: 10am - 6pm
Sat: 10am - 5pm
Sun: Closed
CBD & CBG from
Cypress Hemp of Louisiana

PureKana USA Made Organic Quality

cbdMD Capsules, Tinctures, Sleep Aides and Bath Bombs

All About Us
The Amani CBD Journey
Amani is the Swahili word for Peace. Located in Rosenberg, Texas, we believe in living a life full of joy, gratitude, and Peace - free from anxiety. These feelings form and guide our core services and practices as we focus on helping clients improve their level of health and fitness. We offer a variety of CBD products to help all of our clients achieve healthier bodies and minds. Explore our site to learn more about us and what we can do for your health.

Contact Us
Ask for John
Located next to Mr. Jones Bail Bonds
1100 Mulcahy Street, Rosenberg, Texas 77471
Call us (346) 843-2904
Fax (832) 201-7773